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The Pied Piper Of Atheism by Pete Vere and Sandra Miesel

British author Philip Pullman is widely acclaimed by critics and readers for his best-selling, award-winning trilogy, His Dark Materials. But he has been criticized by some for attacking Christianity and promoting atheism. What is the truth about Pullman and his books? What does he believe about God, religion, the Catholic Church, and atheism? What does he hope his books will accomplish? Why does he express such strong disdain for the fiction of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien? Should children be reading the His Dark Materials trilogy, or watching the film version of The Golden Compass, the first book of the trilogy?

These are just some of the many important questions addressed by Pete Vere and Sandra Miesel in their accessible, concise, and thoroughly-researched analysis of Pullman's fiction and beliefs. The authors provide a literary critique of
His Dark Materials and reveal the many premises, and often surprising literary and philosophical sources of that popular work, as well as explain the symbolism present throughout. They also compare Pullman's fiction to The Chronicles of Narnia, the Harry Potter books, and other famous works of children's fiction. And they examine the metaphysical premises and moral propositions found throughout His Dark Materials, and point out the many objectionable aspects of the books—including violence and sensuality—about which every concerned parent should know. Readers looking for a fair, firm, and non-sensational critique of His Dark Materials will find it in Pied Piper of Atheism.

Pete Vere, J.C.L. -- a husband, father, lay canon lawyer and Catholic journalist. He writes about canon law and cultural issues for several publications-both Catholic and non-Catholic. He is also the co-author of
Surprised by Canon Law, Surprised by Canon Law 2, and More Catholic Than the Pope. He has written about His Dark Materials for several publications, including The Washington Times and This Rock magazine.

Sandra Miesel - co-author of the best-selling book, The Da Vinci Hoax: Exposing the Errors in The Da Vinci Code. She holds masters degrees inbiochemistry and medieval history from the University of Illinois. She haswritten hundreds of articles for the Catholic press, chiefly on history, art,and hagiography. Sandra has spoken at religious and academic conferences,appeared on EWTN, and given numerous radio and television interviews. She has also written, analyzed, and edited fiction, and has worked with and has known numerous renowned science fiction and fantasy authors.

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This version: 3rd June 2008

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