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Review by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

The Way of Prayer
A Commentary of Saint Teresa's Way of Perfection
Father Gabriel of St Mary Magdalen O.C.D.
Ignatius Press

Some years ago, I attended a Catholic meditation meeting. The monk who led it told us to take some deep breaths and then repeat a sacred word over and over again. I entered into a relaxed state of peace. Later on, I repeated the exercise, this time using a non-sacred word. Once again, I certainly experienced peace. But this was not prayer. The monk had told us that we were practicing contemplative prayer. According to the great teachers of prayer, especially St John of the Cross and Saint Teresa of Avila, he is wrong.

It is much safer to follow the teachings on prayer as found in this wonderful book. Teresa most certainly was a contemplative in the Catholic sense of the word. But she did not fall into the error of quietism.

In order to pray well, we need the Church. We need the sacraments and we need to practice the virtues of love of neighbour, detachment and humility. Fr Gabriel refers to them as the atmosphere of contemplation.

Teresa encourages us to pray especially about the life of Christ. We pray in order to acquire the virtues. The rest is up to God. Father Gabriel examines the various types of prayer according to Teresa including vocal and mental prayer in the second section.

The third and final section is on the Our Father. Acquired recollection or the prayer of simplicity is loving awareness of God. Infused recollection is the first grade of mystical prayer when the will is captivated by divine love. The intellect and memory are free.

In the prayer of quiet, intellect and will are stilled. In the prayer of union all three faculties of intellect, will and memory are captive. The soul is nourished without effort. There are higher states still, but most of us are unlikely to experience them.

How different the teaching of Teresa is from that of the monk who ran the meditation group. The way of Teresa is the Catholic way to achieve union with God.

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2017

Version: 12th August 2017

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