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Review by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

The Reason For God
Belief in an Age of Scepticism
Timothy Keller

This book is much more than a refutation of atheism and agnosticism. The author uses philosophy, literature and, above all, Scripture to propose the beauty, truth and goodness of Christianity. It is also good to see that this book is specifically about Christianity and not "religion": I am inclined to agree with Christopher Hitchens that certain religions do indeed have the potential to poison everything. I reject them just as most atheists reject the views and deeds of Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin.

The first few chapters are on the classic arguments against Christianity: why is there suffering, how can a loving God send souls to hell, has not science disproved religion and do we need to take the Bible literally? The second half of the book is on reasons for Faith. There are great discussions on the problem of sin, the knowledge of God, the reality of the resurrection and the truth of the Gospel.

Keller, a Presbyterian minister, is clearly influenced by the writings of C S Lewis, and it shows: he writes with great lucidity and his points are concisely made. Also present is a sense of humour, which Lewis would have approved of. It makes for easy reading.

Sometimes, one cannot help but be grateful for Dawkins and Hitchens: in the eighties, Christian apologetics appeared to be a dying art. But now, we are quite spoiled for choice. There are many good Christian apologists and Keller is surely one of them.

This book is recommended reading for all believers: for those who believe in God's existence and for those who believe in God's non-existence.

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2016

Version: 8th December 2016

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