Review by Dr Pravin Thevathasan
Why The Global Campaign To Crush Motherhood and Fatherhood Can't Win by Kimberly Ells Regnery Gateway This is a much needed work. It is full of hope and this is needed when there is much to despair about. The author is a policy advisor for Family Watch International. She puts forward some very good reasons why we should defend the family. It is the basic structure of society. When the family is unstable, society is unstable. Babies belong to mothers and fathers. This is not just good for children. It is good for society. It is the mother who teaches the child what is right and what is wrong. Children are very observant and they learn from the way their parents behave. This makes parents a very powerful group. They hold the key to the future. That is why the anti-family movements want to destroy the ties between parent and child. Sadly, there are organisations like the United Nations that seek to destroy the family. The author points out that they do so by the promotion of socialism, radical feminism and sexual radicalism. The socialists want to take children from parents and give them over to the state. The radical feminists want to "liberate" women from both children and men. Organisations like Planned Parenthood claim they just want to promote the rights of women. In reality, they exploit the vulnerable. Once children are "liberated" from parents, they can be brought up according to the views of these radical movements. They will be given "rights". If these children' rights are to do with protecting them from being exploited, then all well and good. But, no. These "rights" are to enable children to freely explore their sexuality. This is achieved by means of graphic sex education. Children are taught to seek sexual experiences well before they are ready to do so. Above all, they are taught that sex has little to do with a loving and permanent union of one man and one woman. No wonder so many children have been sexually exploited by those who work for the United Nations. It could be argued that in an age when so few men believe in commitment, women have need of such radical movements. However, the author provides us with the data to conclude that most men want to be good husbands and fathers. The message of this excellent work is one of hope: In spite of the opposition by academics and politicians, the family will ultimately triumph. It is here to stay.