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New Oxford Review

The New Oxford Review is an orthodox Catholic magazine that explores ideas concerning faith and culture. With a paid circulation of over 12,000, the NOR is published 10 times a year (monthly except for combined January-February and July-August issues) under the patronage of St. Vincent Pallotti. Published out of Berkeley, California, the NOR is read on every continent in the world.

The New Oxford Review was founded in 1977 as an Anglo-Catholic magazine in the Anglican tradition, taking its name from the 19th-century Oxford Movement. Like the Movement’s leading luminary, John Henry Newman, the NOR converted to Roman Catholicism in 1983, inspired by the dynamic, thoughtful papacy of John Paul II.

The New Oxford Review has earned a reputation for addressing head-on the full range of issues confronting Holy Mother Church, and for doing so with unswerving loyalty to her Pope and Magisterium. Over the years some of the leading Christian thinkers of our times have contributed to our effort to shine the light of faith in an increasingly hostile secular world, including Walker Percy, Sheldon Vanauken, Thomas Howard, Msgr. George A. Kelly, Bobby Jindal, Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, Peter Kreeft, Avery Cardinal Dulles, Germain Grisez, Fr. James V. Schall, Piers Paul Read, and many others.

The New Oxford Review continues to present the brightest minds in Catholic journalism today. Edited by Pieter Vree and Michael S. Rose, the NOR’s contributing editors include Tom Bethell; Alice von Hildebrand; John Lukacs; Anne Barbeau Gardiner; Karl Keating, president of Catholic Answers; Judie Brown, president of American Life League; and Fr. Thomas J. Euteneuer, president of Human Life International. Packed with intellectual vibrancy and zeal for orthodoxy, each issue of the NOR engages readers with discussion on a variety of timely and timeless topics.

The New Oxford Review: A journal of continuing conversion in Christ.

Visit us online at www.newoxfordreview.org.

Copyright © The New Oxford Review 2010

This version: 20th May 2010

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