Mary ShivanandanCurriculum VitaeMary Shivanandan, STD Address Dr. Mary Shivanandan is a retired professor etc. where she taught from 1989-2012. Before entering academic life, Professor Shivanandan spent many years from the early 1970s as a researcher, writer and consultant on marriage, family, sexuality and natural family planning while raising a family. Professor Shivanandan graduated from Cambridge University in England with a degree in Classics and received her licentiate and doctorate in sacred theology from the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family in 1991 and 1995 respectively. She is the author of numerous articles both academic and general, has contributed chapters to several books and is the author notably of two on marriage and family: Natural Sex, (New York: Rawson Wade, 1979) for a general audience, reprinted in part as Challenge to Love (Bethesda, MD: KM Associates 1984) and Crossing the Threshold of Love: A New Vision of Marriage in the Light of John Paul II’s Anthropology (Washington, DC: the Catholic University of America Press, 1999), the fruit of her doctoral work. Professor Shivanandan’s recent academic articles include: “Conjugal Spirituality and the Gift of Reverence,” Nova et Vetera, 10:2 (2012) “An Anthropology of Love: Caritas in Veriitate,” in Proceedings of “Human Fertility—Where Faith and Science Meet” Conference, July 15-17, 2010 (Washington, DC: USCCB, 2011) “The Spousal Nature of Feminine Beauty,” Second Spring, 12 (2010) “A Civilization of Vows and the Dignity of Women,” Ave Maria Law Review 8:2 (Spring 2010) “Reflections on Humanae Vitae in the Light of Fides et Ratio; Nova et Vetera,6:4, (2008) “Emile Zola: Improbable Defender of Life,” Life and Learning, Vol. 17, (Washington, DC: University for Life, 2008), reprinted in Fellowship for Catholic Scholars Quarterly, (Summer, 2008). “John Paul II: The Redemption of the Body and the Call to Holiness,” Faith & Reason 31: 1 (Spring 2006) “The Immaculate Conception and Theological Anthropology,” in The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church, Ed. Donald H. Calloway (Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press 2004) NCBQ on “Relativism or Relativity,” 2016. Forthcoming book, The Holy Family: Model Not Exception. Professor Shivanandan has combined a scholarly interest in marriage and family with extensive study and experience in an Asian context. Born in Burma and married to a Malaysian of Sri Lankan origin, she has taught both in Singapore and Kerala, India. She contributed chapters to American University Foreign Area Handbooks on Pakistan, India and Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in 1971, and 1975 respectively. She has also been an associate editor of Mid East, a journal of the American Friends of the Middle East. Professor Shivanandan also contributed to the online journal, Humanism: Issues in Faith, Life and Culture. Professor Shivanandan has served on the boards of several organizations, including the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, Women Affirming Life, (founding member), Family Honor, Catholic Social Science Review editorial board, and Asian American Forum (president and vice-president). She has also served as theological advisor to the NFP Committee, Archdiocese of Washington and Archdiocesan representative to the Montgomery County Family Life and Human Development Committee. Dr. Shivanandan is included in the following directories: Who's Who of American Women, 1981-82; Who's Who in the East, 1984; Who's Who of Professional Women, 1987; Contempoary Authors, 1988; Who's Who in America, 2004.
1971 1. Area Handbook for Pakistan, co-author with F. Nyrop et al. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 3rd edition, 1971) 2. Area Handbook for Ceylon, co-author with F. Nyrop et al. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1st edition, 1971)
1973 3. Gamal Abdul Nasser, (Charlotteville, NY: Sam Har Press, 1973) 1975 4. Area Handbook for India, co-author with F. Nyrop et al. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 3rd edition, 1975) 5. Area Handbook for Pakistan, co-author with F. Nyrop et al. (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 4th edition, 1975) 1981 6. Natural Sex (New York: Rawson Wade, 1979 and Berkley Books, 1981) 7. Monthly column in Marriage & Family Living, St. Meinrad, IN, 1977-1981 1984 8. Challenge to Love reprint of selected chapters of Natural Sex (Bethesda, MD: KM Associates, 1983, 2nd printing 1984) 9. “The Impact of Natural Family Planning on Selected Aspects of the Couple Relationship,” co-author with Thomasina Borkman, International Review of Natural Family Planning, 8: 1 (Spring 1984), 58-66. 10. Natural Family Planning, Development of National Programs, ed. With Claude Lanctot et al, (Washington, DC: IFFLP/FIDAF, 1984) 1985 11. “The How and Why of Natural Family Planning,” Catholic Update, (Cincinnati, OH, St. Anthony Messenger Press, (1985) 1986 12. Ed. Breastfeeding and Natural Family Planning: Selected Papers from the Fourth National and International symposium on Natural Family Planning, November, 1985 (Bethesda, MD: KM Associates, 1986) 1987 13. The NFP Reader, editor, KM Associates, Bethesda, MD, 1983-1987. 1991 14. “Childhood and Adolescent Analysis,” in Foundations for Family Life Education: A Guidebook for Professionals and Parents, Margaret Whitehead and Onalee McGraw, eds.(Arlington, VA: Educational Guidance Institute, 1991). 15. Review of Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing: How ‘Ecological’ Breastfeeding Spaces Babies by Sheila Kippley in Journal of Human Lactation, 7 (1), (1991). 1992 16. “Natural Family Planning and Family Systems Theory,” co-authored with Marion Geremia, Linacre Quarterly 59: 4 (November 1992) 57-66. 1993 17. “The Role of Social Science in Shaping Sexual Practices,”in Life and Learning: Proceedings of the Second University Faculty for Life Conference, ed. J.W. Koterski, (Washington DC: University Faculty for Life, 1993) 1994 18. “Forming a Community of Persons: The Rights, Dignity and Role of Men and Women—a Response,” in The Church at the Service of the Family, ed. Anthony J.Mastroeni, proceedings of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (Steubenville, OH: Franciscan University of Steubenville, 1994) 19. “”Personhood, Contraception and Population Control,” Linacre Quarterly 61 (3) (August 1994) 41-50 1995 20. “After Rhythm: The Development NFP,” Ethics & Medics, 20 (4) (April 1995). 21. “The How and Why of Natural Family Planning,” Catholic Update, (revised and updated 1995) 1996 22. “Feminism and Marriage: A Reflection on Ephesians 5:21-33, “ Diakonia, 29: 1 (1996). 23. “Mary and the Gift of Life,” Voices, 11: 3 (September 1996). 24. Review of Sexuality and Authority in the Catholic Church by Monica Migliorino Miller, Faith and Reason, 22: 3 (Fall, 1996) 211-215. 1997 25. “When Can We Use NFP: What the Church teaches on the moral spacing and limiting of births by spouses,” Focus (Washington, DC: Diocesan Development Program for Natural Family Planning, NCCB, 1997). 26. “Sentiment and Sentimentality: Woman’s Choice,” FCS Quarterly (Spring 1997). 27. Review of Abortion and Unborn Human Life, by Patrick Lee (Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1996) in Faith & Reason 23 (1997) 107-111. 1998 28. “Nurturing as a Basic Right and Responsibility,” in Defending the Family: A Sourcebook, ed. Paul C. Vitz and Stephen M.Krason (Steubenville, OH: The Catholic Social Science Press: 1998) 178-183. 29. “Learning NFP: The Experiential Paradigm,” Catholic Social Science Review, 3 (November 1998) 205-214. 1999 30. Crossing the Threshold of Love: A New Vision of Marriage in the Light of John Paul II’s Anthropology (Washington, DC: the Catholic University of America Press, 1999) This book has been reprinted by T&T Clark, now a division of Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc., London, UK in July 2014. It is also still available in North America at Catholic University Press, Washington, DC 31. “The Anthropology of John Paul II and Social Science,” The Catholic Social Science Review 4 (1999) 2000 32. “Body Narratives: Language of Truth?,” Logos 3: 3 (Summer, 2000), 166-193. 33. “The Ecumenism of Redemptoris Mater and Mulieris dignitatem," Diakonia 33: 3 (2000). 34. “A New Language,” Voices 15: 1 (Winter 2000), 12-14. 2001 35. “Subjectivity and the Order of Love, “Fides Quaerens Intellectum" 1: 2 (2001). 36. “The Anthropological Background of Fides et Ratio,” Anthropotes, 17: 1 (2001) 37. “John Paul II’s Theology of the Body,” The Living Light, 37: 3 (2001). 38. Review of A Brief, Catholic Liberal Defense of Abortion by Daniel A. Dombrowski with Robert Deltete (Chicago, IL: University Press, 2000) in the Catholic Social Science Review (2001). 2002 39. “The Pope, Man and Woman” in The Achievements of John Paul II, Occasional Papers: vol. 3 (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Chaplaincy 2002). 40. “The New Evangelization of John Paul II” in Hear O Islands: Theology and Catechesis in the New Millenium (London, UK: Veritas, 2002) 41. Primary author of A New Language, a study guide on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (Boston, MA: Women Affirming Life, 2002). 2003 42. “Natural Family Planning and the Theology of the Body, The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 3 (1) 2003. 43. Revision of “Sex” entry by Dietrich von Hildebrand in New Catholic Encyclopedia, Second Edition, 13 Seq-The (Detroit, MI: Gale in association with The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC) 2003, 44-47. 44. “Body-Soul Unity in Light of the Nuptial Relation,” Dialoghi sul mistero nuziale: Studi offerti al Cardinale Angelo Scola, a cura di G. Marengo e B. Ognibeni, (Rome: Lateran University Press, 2003); also to be published in Nova et Vetera. 45. Response to “Humanae vitae and the sensus fidelium of a Contraceptive Culture” by Janet E. Smith, proceedings of “The Call to Holiness Conference: Vatican Council II On the Church, The Pope John Paul II Cultural Center, Washington, DC Nov. 12-15, 2003.
2004 46. “The Immaculate Conception and Theological Anthropology,” in The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church, ed. Donald H. Calloway (Stockbridge MA: Marian Press, 2004) 101-120; also to be published in Anthropotes, no. 2, 2004. 47. “Person as Substantive Relation and Reproductive Technologies: Biblical and Philosophical Foundations,” co-author with Joseph C. Atkinson, Logos 7: 3 Summer 2004, 123-155. 48. “The Theology of the Body,” forthcoming in encyclopedia, Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, Society of Catholic Social Scientists. 49. “The Immaculate Conception and Theological Anthropology,” in The Immaculate Conception in the Life of the Church, Ed. Donald H. Calloway (Stockbridge, MA: Marian Press 2004) 2005 50. “Duc in altum” Keynote Address, annual conference, “Taking the Billings Method to the World in the 21st Century: Why we do it. . . How we do it!” Ovulation Method Research & Reference Centre of Australia, Melbourne, February 25, 2005. (Invited Lecture) 51. “The Christian Perspective: Modesty in the Abrahamic Religions,” A Conversation with an Interfaith Abrahamic Delegation from Iran, sponsored by: The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and The International Center for Religion and Democracy, April 29, 2005 52. “John Paul II’s Theology of the Body” lecture given at Michaelmas Conference, “Catholic Vision of Marriage,” St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, June 10, 2005 53. “The Theological Anthropology of St. Bernard of Clairvaux in his Sermon on the Song of Songs: a Comparison with John Paul II,” paper given at the 2005 Annual National Meeting-Conference of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Franciscan University of Steubenville, October 29, 2005 54. “John Paul II: The Redemption of the Body and the Call to Holiness,” guest lecture in the 2005-06 Major Speakers Program, Christendom College, Front Royal, VA, November 14, 2005, to be published in Faith and Reason. 55. “Relativism or Relativity: Religious Freedom and the Family,” paper prepared for the Becket Institute Inaugural Conference, Rome December 9, 2005, to be published in National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. 56. “Body-Soul Unity in Light of the Nuptial Relation,” Dialoghi sul mistero nuziale: Studi offerti al Cardinale Angelo Scola, a cura di G. Marengo e B. Ognibeni, (Rome: Lateran University Press, 2003); also to be published in Nova et Vetera, no. 4, 2005.
57. “Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men and Women in the Church and in the World,” entry in encyclopedia, Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, Society of Catholic Social Scientists, 2006 58. “John Paul II: The Redemption of the Body and the Call to Holiness,” Faith & Reason 31:1 (Spring 2006) 59. Six lectures on the Theology of the Body, Sisters of Life, Villa Maria Guadalupe Retreat Center, Stamford CT, July 1-4 2006 (Invited Lecture) 60. “The Theology of the Body” entry in encyclopedia, Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy, Society of Catholic Social Scientists, 2006 61. “John Paul II: The Redemption of the Body and the Call to Holiness,” Faith & Reason 31: 1 (Spring 2006)
2007 62. Review of the Nuptial Mystery by Angelo Cardinal Scola, trans. Michelle K. Borras (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 2005) in Nova et Vetera 5:1 (Winter 2007) 63. Five Lectures on John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Convocation of the Priests of the Diocese of Dodge City, Wichita Spiritual Life Center, Wichita KS, October 9-10, 2007. (Invited Lecture) 64. “Happiness in the Thought of John Paul II and Thomas Aquinas,” Aquinas Lecture, Notre Dame Seminary, School of Theology, New Orleans, April 20, 2007 (Invited Lecture) 2008 65. “Reflections on Humanae Vitae in the Light of Fides et Ratio”; Nova et Vetera 6:4 2008. 66. Emile Zola “Improbable Defender of Life,” Life and Learning, Vol. 17, (Washington, DC: University Faculty for Life, 2008), reprinted in Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Summer, 2008. 67. “Reflections on Humanae Vitae in the Light of Fides et Ratio” invited paper, Humanae Vitae: Forty Years Later, conference Ave Maria University, February 8, 2008. 68. “Reflections on Humanae Vitae in the Light of Fides et Ratio; Nova et Vetera,6:4, (2008) 69. “Emile Zola: Improbable Defender of Life,” Life and Learning, Vol. 17, (Washington, DC: University for Life, 2008), reprinted in Fellowship for Catholic Scholars Quarterly, (Summer, 2008).
2009 70. “Conjugal Spirituality and the Gift of Reverence”, invited paper, Man and Woman He Created Them, John Paul II’s Theology of the Body 2nd International Symposium, June 11-14, 2009, Maynooth Ireland. (Invited Lecture)
2010 71. "The Spousal Nature of Feminine Beauty", Forthcoming in Second Spring, 2010. 72. “A Civilization of Vows and the Dignity of Women,” forthcoming in Ave Maria Law Review, 2010 73. “The Spousal Nature of Feminine Beauty,” Second Spring, 12 (2010) 74. “A Civilization of Vows and the Dignity of Women,” Ave Maria Law Review 8:2 (Spring 2010)
2011 75. “An Anthropology of Love: Caritas in Veriitate,” in Proceedings of “Human Fertility—Where Faith and Science Meet” Conference, July 15-17, 2010 (Washington, DC: USCCB, 2011)
2012 76. “Conjugal Spirituality and the Gift of Reverence,” Nova et Vetera, 10:2 (2012)